Lets Chat!

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No Spam. Spam means 1. Stupid Pointless Annoying Messages 2. Canadian bacon. This includes smiley spam [no more than 10 smilies posted in 1 chat line(not whole chat), ”Wazzzzzuuuuppppp” would NOT be considered spam, however “GHWUTFKGNSIWKEJISWJ” would be. Your allowed to spam on private chats but if somebody is spamming to much and is annoying you please private chat me or a moderator  and report him. We will  kick or bann him/her depending on how bad the situation is.
No advertising. You are only allowed to advertise with Bubba0044's Permission.
No flame allowed, this includes insults such as “You suck, you f****** noob.” Be nice in the chatroom. = 6 hour bann
Do not pretend to be another member, mod or owner to get their position.
Please no swearing or racism. I wont allow this. 24 hour ban.
Please do not beg for anything on chat. This includes begging for rank (member, mod or owner) as well as xats, days,powers and Club Penguin Items.
Do not copy anybodys name. Lets say cambob is online.Dont change your name to cambob since it will mix people up.
Do not ask for personal infomation such as email addresses,names or telephone numbers. This will result in a bann for 24 hours. Unless you are on a private chat. But if you don’t want to know personal info tell a mod and then it will be a 24 hour ban.


How to become a moderator.

So to become a moderator you have to:
be an author on this site(well if you are you get to be an automattic mod)
Be on the site and chat very often.
Be kind to others.
Dont use rude words such as swering, sexual language , racism or anything rude.
Obey all the rules
You can be one of my best friends
Thats all. Now if your already a mod follow underneith to know what to do

What moderators should know:

If a mod gets banned he/she will lose his/her place as a mod and become a member.
Rule colors:
Rules in blue result in: Kick
Rules in green result in sudden ban.
If you get 2 warnings and brake another rule you get a kick.
If you get a kick and you brake another rule its a bann